For maths today, we did a fun activity where we decorated a tree, but each decoration had a price. we had to add up our total, then answer some questions about the money.
Here is mine:
For maths today, we did a fun activity where we decorated a tree, but each decoration had a price. we had to add up our total, then answer some questions about the money.
Here is mine:
week 8, 27 November 2023
This week i have set my smart goal, this time my goal is:
To try participate in PE for at LEAST three days or maybe more, as you can see below :
For toku oranga today we completed theses slides about respect. here is mine:
For integrated learning, I am in plants for life, and today, we had to make a poster about why we should have houseplants in our home.
Here is the poster I made:
This is my new goal for this week (week 5) My new goal is to try blog all of my work, in time, with at least a paragraph, whether its just a small paragraph or a big paragraph! Ill try to complete my work earlier so i do actually have enough time to make a blog
For Toku Oranga, we did these slides about Growth mindset vs fixed mindset.
Growth mindset: Someone that doesnt give up and thinks in a positive way about learning
Fixed mindset: Someone that says “I give up” and believes skills and intelligence are just given and you cant improve them.
Here is the growth mindset reflection slide that I did:
Below Is a link to my ko wai au poster 03112023081159-0001 My ko wai au poster will be sent to my next teacher at my new school, it has four boxes i have filled with at least five or more stuff about me. The four boxes are called : Taha wairua Taha tinana Taha Hinengaro Taha Whanau
below is a link to my Plants 4 Life site
For reading we are doing a thing called “integrated learning”I’m in the plants 4 life group
Something i have learnt is how to make a website! The Page I have used the most is my “Herbs” Page!
I have put 4 herbal cards on there, the Herbs I used on my herbal cars are:
I enjoyed learning how to customise my site and Embed stuff into it.
if you want to make your own website,all you need to do is go onto your drive,and click new,then scroll down a bit to more and you’ll find google sites!
Today in Icf this was one of our tasks! We were told to explain and show what media is. Below is a google drawing of the media I have been on/seen in the last 24 hours!
Below I have my smart goals! Which I will be using our Lit 3 writing time to achieve!
Lit 3 is something we do in our class during writing time, we write for 5 minutes and for 3 minutes we edit it! before we go back to writing for another 5 minutes.